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Cancelling as near to the end of the contract.

Tuning in

I am 30 days from the end of my current contract. I am going to cancel to move to another provider, can I cancel from today without paying any fees?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi Storm77

You give VM 30 days notice to cancel so if you called to cancel today then your account would be disconnected  on 4th September. There wouldn't be any early termination fees to pay.

Virgin continue to bill you as usual until your disconnection is complete (4th September). This helps to make sure your final month of service isn’t interrupted.

You will therefore probably see charges that go beyond your disconnection date, normally because your cancellation date takes effect mid billing cycle.

Once your services are fully disconnected VM recalculate what you’ve used and send an adjusted final bill  detailing any credits you may have for the services you haven't  used. They then refund those monies by cheque


I don't work for Virgin Media.
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