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Cancel my contract

Just joined


My contract is coming to an end, so I have sent a recorded delivery letter to the address on the website. 



I send cancellation letter on 24/04/2024 to you on your address according to the website. to this day i do not have any information or answer form you. Should i receive notification of the request as I've not heard anything back and nothing has changed on my account. I have the date of delivery and a signature form the post, and have included all the required details. I would like to know the cancellation has been acknowledged. The confirmation of cancellation can be sent to the  email address [MOD EDIT: PERSONAL INFORMATION REMOVED]

[MOD EDIT: Personal and private information has been removed from this post. Please do not post personal or private information in your public posts. Please review the Forum Guidelines]




Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for reaching out to us @martam85, and a very warm welcome to you!

Sorry to hear of the issues you've been experiencing with the processing of the cancellation of the services.

I'd be happy to take a closer look into this for you - check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me

