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Broadband Offer Text Message - Accepted but order still not honored

Tuning in


Received text message on 17th December to "Boost your speed to the next tier for only an extra £3".

I went through and proceeded with this as it's a great offer to take my "Volt M500 Broadband" to 1Gig.

Actioned it all and was emailed my contract documents and also received an email "Your Virgin Media Order"  which outlined the details, order number and also specified my estimated activation date (Friday 20th December).

After Christmas I still couldn't see any changes so I contacted online chat support (Yengkhom Robindro) on the 30th December and they responded with:

I understand your concern now. I thank you for the details.
Please allow me to inform you that our online deals usually take a maximum of 7 to 14 working days
to be applied to the account.
Please do not worry, your deal is in process of completion. You will receive email confirmation once it
is competed.
Please keep the documents with you for future reference.

I've waited beyond this now and today still nothing. So I contacted support again (Saira) and this time they said:

I understand Liam, I'm so sorry as checked the best price available with us is for £21.49/m extra for upgraded broadband speed.

I don't understand what has happened. I don't want to pay more than I ordered and I thought the actual order email which outlined everything, gave an order number and activation date, was confirmation.

Am I missing something????

Any help would be appreciated as I don't appear to be getting anywhere with online chat support.

Kind regards,



Forum Team
Forum Team

Hello FateFirst,

Welcome back to the Community and thanks for taking the time to post. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your upgrade. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,

Alessandro Volta

If this isn't resolved to your satisfaction, you don't have to accept the new contract. You can cancel right away or within 14 days of the new contract starting. You will revert to the old contract with no cost to you.

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Hey jpeg1, thank you for reaching out and I can see my colleague is already assisting with this

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Tuning in

Thanks all for your replies.

I've messaged Steven_L and currently awaiting a response.

Kind regards,
