on 01-11-2023 11:03
Landline not accepting incoming calls, goes straight to voicemail
[MOD EDIT: Subject title changed for clarity]
on 01-11-2023 11:12
Hey @philtay987,
Welcome to the Community Forums and thanks for the post.
Sorry to hear you are having this issue with your landline, have you ran the checks provided by our website here to see about getting your issue resolved?
on 01-11-2023 11:20
Hi Joseph
Tried everything, internet went down a couple of days ago, since then landline fault
on 01-11-2023 11:28
Hey @philtay987,
Thanks for confirming this, I would like to go about looking into this further with you, for me to do so I will need to confirm some information from you in a quick private message, if you have not used this service before you can access it via the envelope at the top of your screens.