a week ago
Is it possible to request a new land-line number please?
a week ago
Hey silentg1971, thank you for reaching out and we can look at doing this of course.
However before we do this will not a fresh number it will be one our numbers which is just recycled.
All our numbers are just recycled from a big pot.
Do you still wish to have a new number?
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?
a week ago
Changing landline number may be useful if you wish to break contact with a person/people who are known to you.
When you change numbers though, you simply receive a 'new' number from a general pool of numbers which belongs to VM.
We have seen past topics on here where a customer has changed number to try to eliminate receiving general spam/scam calls only to find that they restarted shortly after the 'new' number was put into use. Scam calls are regularly generated in bulk using automated diallers which dial all number in a range in turn so even a 'new' VM number is likely to receive scam calls eventually.
a week ago
Thank you for reaching out and posting this 🙂
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?