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urgent, please help - its distressing - Account lock out - Email access lost since last year!

Tuning in

Hi everyone - I truly am seeking assistance and will be as brief as possible

1.  Lost access to emails last Aug when ntlworld emails portal moved - since then only 2 emails properly accessed and not even the primary one despite a number of long, long calls to Virgin only resolved bits and pieces

2.  Access to emails via Virgin account direct - just end up in requesting passwords (which are correct) then saying its wrong with many, many times using the picture verification and anything I can think of!

3.  Yesterday, I was stunned when faced with a 3 x normal amount to be deducted from next bill in a few days - funny how this email got through!

4.  I've managed via Safari and Mail app to access some emails but only 2 seem to be working.  Primary email not working and can't properly access my saved folders.  I was told to go through google/gmail but this really is working properly either as there are a number of steps to follow.

5.  Just had phoned Virgin again and after short conversation contact put me on hold and when he returned the line from his side was totally inaudible - said he would call back.  I asked to be put through to supervisor or manager but gave up waiting!

I just want to get access to my account so sort emails out once and for all and transfer old emails/folders elsewhere (if this is possible).

After being a long term customer of many years I no longer have the patience, energy or health (as a senior) to cope with this extreme lack of help and consideration.

To do this I need access to Virgin Media account - bills/contract/emails, etc.  - why is it so difficult to find easy/support in a straightforward fashion.  (I've been computer literate for many years and have never experienced the brick walls I'm facing now. 

Please, please can someone from Virgin sort this for me?   

I reallty would appreciate it.




Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Daisy70 thanks for posting and welcome back to our community.

Sorry to hear you're having ongoing issues with your NTLWorld email address and for any inconvenience this may be causing.  I would like to take a look on your behalf. I am going to send you a private message. Please keep an eye on your inbox in the top right of your screen.

