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Email problems using Edge

Tuning in

Just recently (approximately 3 or 4 days) I have found that I am unable to delete or move any emails from my account whilst being accessed via the Edge browser on my laptop I am having to use other browsers to access my account in order to use the full range of email choices. I can however access and use the options using my mobile with no problems. This for many may be a simple thing to do but when Edge is the main browser you use for working with having to change to another browser or leave your laptop to use your mobile is a great annoyance and a waste of important work time. 

I would appreciate any help or advice with this or better still if Virgin could check as to why it has suddenly started happening with a particular browser.



Accepted Solutions

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi thegov1uk, 

Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

We're sorry to hear you're having an issue using the full features of webmail when using the Edge browser. It sounds as though something may have recently changed. 

  • Have you made any changes to any settings within Edge? 
  • Can you ensure the browser is fully up to date?
  • If possible, please provide a screenshot of the errors you're getting when trying to complete actions. Make sure you omit any personal information though. 

Once we have your reply, we can take another look at things for you. 


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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi thegov1uk, 

Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

We're sorry to hear you're having an issue using the full features of webmail when using the Edge browser. It sounds as though something may have recently changed. 

  • Have you made any changes to any settings within Edge? 
  • Can you ensure the browser is fully up to date?
  • If possible, please provide a screenshot of the errors you're getting when trying to complete actions. Make sure you omit any personal information though. 

Once we have your reply, we can take another look at things for you. 


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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@thegov1uk wrote:

I am unable to delete or move any emails from my account whilst being accessed via the Edge browser on my laptop

To troubleshoot the problem it would be helpful if you could explain in a little more detail what happens when you try to delete or move emails or what is preventing you from doing that.

For example is it that the icons (see image below) that allow you to carry out those steps are not being displayed in Edge?

email screen icons.png

Or are the "trash bin" and "hamburger" icons displayed but greyed out?

Or are the icons there but nothing happens when you click on them?


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Hi there & thank you for replying.

I am unable to take a screenshot as there is nothing that shows up. The mail box loads up as it should and everything looks normal yet is will not let you drag and drop anything to any folder it will allow you to right click on the message and choose an option but once chosen nothing happens to the massage it just sits there. If you highlight the message choose an action from the top bar the same still happens. I have not changed any of the settings in Edge and have done whatever updates need doing manually even though the pc is set for auto updating. If I access the mail box on chrome it works perfectly fine as it should do then when I click back onto edge any actions taken while on chrome have been updated or changed instantly just as it should do. The same happens even if I try drag and drop, it allows me to highlight but will not drag and drop on edge yet do so on chrome and once to switch back to edge any actions have been done. Very confusing, according to pc edge is functioning perfectly and virus scans show all is clear....

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person


Thanks for coming back with that clarification.

If VM webmail behaves normally in Chrome that does suggest the issue is caused by something in Edge.

One possibility is that there is a corrupt VM cookie stored in your copy of Edge and it is that causing the strange behaviour in webmail. (See here for what "cookies" are in this context Learning-center/what-are-cookies )

You can check whether that is the case by opening webmail in Edge using "InPrivate" browsing. When using "InPrivate" Edge will not use any cookies that it has stored. Instead it will download any that it needs directly from the VM website.

Here's some information about how to use InPrivate browsing from Microsoft 

Try that and see if that cures the problem. If it does then you should delete VM cookies from Edge and you can then go back to using Edge normally with using its InPrivate mode. Edge will then download and store fresh copies of any cookies that it needs.

Here's information on how to delete cookies from Edge 

Try InPrivate browsing and see how that goes.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Tuning in

Thank you so much for the help. I tried releasing the cookies and it was still the same unfortunately....BUT!!!! I received a message saying my email was unavailable and when I reloaded it I got the message your session has timed out, I had some other program updates to run so did that and restarted the pc (all in all around 20mins after getting timed out message) I restarted my pc tried again and everything was back to normal and worked. 

So was it doing the cookies or was worked being carried out in the back room who knows but it is great to be sble to only have one browser open again to work on instead of having to jump between two.

Thank you so much for the help and advice it is really appreciated.

Kind regards


Hi @thegov1uk 

This is great to hear! 

Thanks for letting us know that the steps kindly provided by @coenoby has resolved your issue after the reboot and taking the time to let us know what you did as this will help our community should anyone else have a similar issue their looking to find answers for.

Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed 



Thank you for your support with this customers concern @coenoby Really appreciate it. 😊

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent