4 weeks ago
I use my laptop daily and check my emails through it several times a day.
I have 3 email accounts with you - 2 going back to the days when you were known as NTL - and one more recent one when you became virgin media.
I can access and use all 3 accounts through Thunderbird with no problems at all and I can access and use the old ntl accounts online, again with no problems at all.
However while I can use my virgin media email account via Thunderbird with no issues at all, I can't even log in to it online.
How do I resolve this please?
4 weeks ago
@Myst369 wrote:I can use my virgin media email account via Thunderbird with no issues at all, I can't even log in to it online.
How do I resolve this please?
If I was in your situation first thing I would do is to check whether this virginmedia.com email account is still linked to your VM broadband account. To do that:
Is the problem virginmedia.com email address listed there? If it is that's a good start but if it's not then it means that for some reason the account is not linked to your VM broadband account.
That could mean that the email account is in the process of being deleted by VM as an "orphaned" email account (one not linked to a live broadband account).
The first sign of that deletion process is often that you lose access to the email account via the VM webmail service but can still access the email account via an email app such as Thunderbird. (Which of course is what you are seeing.)
It would be really helpful if you post back advise whether or not your virginmedia.com appears in the list and a forum member can then advise accordingly.
Many thanks
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.
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4 weeks ago
Hi Coenoby and thank you for your reply.
No, my virginmedia.com email account is NOT listed there. Only my secondary ntl account which I have had for around 20 years. So I guess it's goodbye time to my virginmedia email via thunderbird, or will be very soon.
4 weeks ago
@Myst369 wrote:No, my virginmedia.com email account is NOT listed there.......... So I guess it's goodbye time to my virginmedia email via thunderbird, or will be very soon.
There might be some hope that it is recoverable.
Was it originally opened as part of your existing VM broadband account?
If it was then it is strange that it is not listed in "Manage other VM accounts" and the VM forum team should be able to check out what has happened to it.
One of the team should be contacting you via this thread hopefully today or tomorrow.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.
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4 weeks ago
Hi Myst369,
Thanks for posting, and sorry to see there's some issues accessing your emails. So I can get a few more details from you, I've popped you over a private message.