on 24-04-2024 20:32
I have submitted two posts, but neither has appeared. Is VM not accepting them.
on 24-04-2024 20:33
Hello, your posts are showing here: https://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Managing-Your-Account-Cable/Netflix-charges/td-p/5514215
The do's and don'ts. Keep the community welcoming for all. Follow the house rules
on 24-04-2024 20:40
Posts are sometimes moved to more relevant bits of the site by moderators (and are only rarely deleted). You can keep track of things by viewing your own profile https://community.virginmedia.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/929081
on 24-04-2024 22:41
Hi @saefalle
Your posts are in the same thread in the Manage your account forum < here >