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Customer feedback email

Tuning in

This really sums up the Virgin customer service. After answering the question have you contacted Virgin Media recently and you tick yes - this is the following message from Virgin that follows:

"Thanks for your responses. We're specifically gathering feedback from customers who’ve recently contacted us regarding a recent installation". (I've been with them for years and no engineer has been at my home for over 9 months)

So no chance in answering any questions - it just skips to the end. I'm beginning to believe that Virgin are not allowing any feedback to ensure they reduce the exceedingly high negative comments. Just look at this board and ask the question what has happened to all the genuine postings of a critical nature that Virgin have taken down including mine. 


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Thanks Cardiffman for tracking this down - did someone move it to a new forum topic and not where I posted it?

Yeah it's normal practice mods to refile stuff under more relevant headings. 

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