Forum Discussion

KevWW's avatar
On our wavelength
12 months ago

Stream. Sky movies stuttering every 10 to 15 secs

Hi all,

I've logged this with customer support. Just wondering if anyone's had this issue and solved it.

I've had my Stream nearly 3 weeks, with Sky Movies since then. Over the past couple of days I've noticed all Sky Movies are stuttering every 10 to 15 secs (roughly, I've not measured). I can't say for sure if they stuttered from day 1.

This happens with both Sky Movies On Demand and on the live Sky Movies channels. No other channels or apps stutter.

All diagnostics say everything is fine.

I've tried :

2 different tvs

Several hdmi cables

Wifi and ethernet connections.

Reset my Stream box.

Reset both my tvs.

All scenarios stutter.

With the Tv Go app on my tablet Sky Movies don't stutter, neither On Demand nor the live channels.

It's a shame because Sky Movies is the main reason I got the Stream, and of course on the day I subscribed to Sky Movies I had an email from Now TV with a much better deal. I wasn't surprised lol, sometimes Big Brother AI bots watching you can be an advantage 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to read this, any ideas ?


  • Hi KevWW

    Thank you for your post and welcome to our community.

    We are sorry to hear about the issues you are having with the stream box. 

    What did the team over the phone advise please?

    Has the issue continued since speaking with them?

    Please pop back to us when you can. 



    • KevWW's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Vikki,

      Thanks for the reply.

      The first line support chap on the phone took the basic details only, not any of my investigations posted above. He was as helpful as he could be, and said tech support would contact me within 5 days.

      I've not heard anything yet, but I can add a little to my investigation : it's not all films that are stuttering. I must have been lucky in my first weeks. I tried replaying some films I'd watched during my first 3 weeks and they still play fine.

      Examples that stutter :

      The Jason Bourne films

      Ghost rider

      The Old Way

      and many others.

      And ones that do play properly :

      Black Adam

      Black Site

      Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning

      and some others.

      I did some more testing this morning, all combinations of :

      Match frame rate

      All screen resolutions

      Audio output

      but nothing solved the problem.

      What I'm doing each evening is trying up to a dozen films before I find one that doesn't stutter. Sometimes I just give up,  not ideal 🙂

      I do like Stream, and want to use it for Sports as well as Sky Cinema, but don't want to commit to any sports channels until we can resolve this issue.

      Kind regards 



      • Ashleigh_C's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thank you for popping back to us KevWW and I am so sorry that this has not yet been resolved. I'm going to poo you a private message so we can take a closer look. 

        I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.

  • KevWW's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Just an update.

    Ash has been working with me via private messages.

    Ash sent a signal to my equipment, and also asked me to reboot both my router and Stream box.

    Unfortunately we haven't solved the problem. I assume @Ashleigh_C has finished for the day. Have a good weekend, I'll await the next contact.

    Thanks for trying today.

    Kind regards 


    • Ashleigh_C's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hello again KevWW 
      Thanks so much for your private message and confirming your address, I have now booked you a visit for your TV services– you can check the date and time via your online account here. If you have any issues with accessing your online account or unable to see your visit, please do let us know and we’ll pop you a message to confirm.
      There will be no charge for this visit unless:
      • The technician diagnoses the faults as not being caused by our network/equipment 
      • The technician discovers that the fault or problem relates to your equipment
      • The technician discovers that the fault or problem relates to any system that we are not responsible for
      The technician will confirm during their visit if any of these instances apply, and if so, a £25 charge will be applied to your account. 
      Please ensure there is someone over the age of 18 present at the time of the visit. If you need to change or cancel your appointment you can do this online or via the My VM app by 4pm the day before the appointment.
      If you do miss an agreed appointment for any reason, a £25 missed appointment charge will be applied to your account on the day of the appointment

  • KevWW's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Thanks for your pm today Ash. I've replied. I'll also add yesterday's findings here :

    Here's a significant update :

    Last night I was watching Jurrasic World. No stuttering. After about an hour I paused it for a few mins. When I came back and started from where I'd paused, it stuttered. I tried restarting from the beginning, no stuttering ... but when I forwarded to the hour mark again (the point where I'd originally paused), the stuttering began again. It stuttered right to the end. A reboot didn't solve it. Today it's also stuttering from the same place.

    Kind regards 


  • KevWW's avatar
    On our wavelength

    An engineer has been today, set up a new stream box and adjusted my signal strength.

    Unfortunately the new Stream box is still having the same issue.

    Very strange, sometimes I think it's only me that can see the Emperor's not wearing any clothes lol 😂

    But thanks to all staff at Virgin who have done their best to help, I'm open to any suggestions. Maybe I'll try Now Movies to see if it's their content, but not sure how good their customer support is ☺ 

    • Woody005's avatar
      Settling in

      Hi KevWW, did you ever get this resolved?  I am having exactly the same issues.

      • Gdev's avatar
        Joining in

        I am having the same issue. It seems to stutter when the scene moves quickly. If i switch to sky news the news ticker at the e bottom of the screen is jerky for a few seconds then goes smooth. Then when the picture changes scene quickly it starts jerking again for a few seconds. Very annoying. Has anybody else come across this?