Stream. Sky movies stuttering every 10 to 15 secs
Hi all,
I've logged this with customer support. Just wondering if anyone's had this issue and solved it.
I've had my Stream nearly 3 weeks, with Sky Movies since then. Over the past couple of days I've noticed all Sky Movies are stuttering every 10 to 15 secs (roughly, I've not measured). I can't say for sure if they stuttered from day 1.
This happens with both Sky Movies On Demand and on the live Sky Movies channels. No other channels or apps stutter.
All diagnostics say everything is fine.
I've tried :
2 different tvs
Several hdmi cables
Wifi and ethernet connections.
Reset my Stream box.
Reset both my tvs.
All scenarios stutter.
With the Tv Go app on my tablet Sky Movies don't stutter, neither On Demand nor the live channels.
It's a shame because Sky Movies is the main reason I got the Stream, and of course on the day I subscribed to Sky Movies I had an email from Now TV with a much better deal. I wasn't surprised lol, sometimes Big Brother AI bots watching you can be an advantage 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to read this, any ideas ?