Forum Discussion

Papermaker463's avatar
Joining in
10 months ago

Every movie I stream has a slight stutter every 20 seconds or so

Been a Virgin member for a month now. I've seen posts similar to this but no solutions have been presented. I'm using all the cables, that were supplied by Virgin and there are no kinks in any of the cables

  • Make sure Match Frame Rate is switrched ON in the 360 settings menu.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Does the same issue occur with non-movie OnDemand content? Is it affecting any streaming apps also?

  • Are you using ethernet cable or wi-fi for the connection to the hub.


  • Had two 360 boxes and this is always happening to me! 1000mb down, ethernet cable used, and still skips no matter what settings I change. It's always sky movies and on demand 

    • Ayisha_B's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi LaggingOnDemand 

      We're sorry to hear you're having this issue.

      Is impacting all movies?

      Are streaming apps affected?

    • Woody005's avatar
      Settling in

      Did you get this resolved?  Having exactly same issues