Yet Another Deletion Post. Help needed.
I to have received the "Action Needed: We're closing your email account" message from VirginMedia in relation to my email address.
I have had my email address for 20+ years and have been a VirginMedia (and Telewest before that) customer since the early days of broadband internet.
I remain an active customer with Broadband, TV and Telephone services. I have also previously discussed this account with VirginMedia and been assured that - as long as I remain a customer - the account will be maintained.
Based upon reading similar threads, it sounds like the account is no longer associated with my VirginMedia account, unlike all my addresses which do show up.
I called the VirginMedia support line today who insisted the email was a phish and that I should simply delete it. This is clearly not the case.
I have replied to a couple of other threads however I have created this new one in the hope that someone from the forum team can advise on how to avoid deletion. Following 20+ years of use this email address is associated with literally hundreds of logins, and is the recovery address for many more. It will take a lot more than 30 days to unravel all that...
Thanks in advance.