Why does Virgin keeps messing with passwords
Hi All, I am so fed up with Virginmedia, they have yet again done something to the passwords, as I can’t get in, unable to reset passwords, wrong letters numbers characters etc etc.
So I phoned up and I was given India, cant really understand a word they say, I spent 1hr and 20 mins talking to people who don’t know what they are doing, why can’t I speak to a uk person who speaks perfect English in the uk. I said that there is a new password system, that generates a new password, but I don’t understand it, but was a complete waste of time, as now I can’t change password or get in or out or send any mail. My battery on phone went flat and iPad went off. Spoke to another person in India who could not sort it. Can anybody help sort this password mess out, am so fed up and really considering getting another provider, have been with them over 23 yrs and still no answers, how do passwords just reset them selves. What is the point of paying a stupid amount of money out, when the service is so bad. If anybody can help me would appreciate it, I can’t access Virginmedia.com/myvirginmedia, won’t jet me change a password, finds fault with everything I type. Be aware they are now trying to send you to a 3rd party and charge you, it’s their problem, and they should sort it, same basic package is £33 on talktalk, yet Virgin are now putting mine up to £89.
i need step by step instructions on how to generate this password to get my emails back working, mainly won’t send any, gave up now got a gmail account so will have something to fall back onto if I leave.
Any help would be really appreciated, many thanks
bazzamer (Barry)