goslow wrote:
If you are a VM broadband customer, have you discussed any options you might have for preserving the .net mailbox(es) with someone from the VM forum team on here?
I have been an uninterrupted VM broadband customer since day one. I haven't discussed any options with the forum team recently. Last time I did that I was told that I may be able to keep one virgin.net email address by transferring it to what Virginmedia consider my live account. I was also told that if they do that, it would replace my current email accounts.
When I joined Virgin.net I set up the 5 email addresses that were permitted then. I use(d) 2 of them daily. My wife and two daughters used the other three but the powers that be will be delighted to hear they have now given up on being able to access theirs when confronted with the "change your password" routine.
When I joined ntlworld cable I set up 2 ntlworld.com email addresses. Both are used regularly and as logins to various websites.
When ntlworld and virgin.net merged to form Virginmedia I was given the option of setting up virginmedia.com email addresses. I declined to set up any more addresses thinking four was enough. As I understand the current situation, Virginmedia do not want the hassle of hosting email accounts now and in the future and are doing what they can to encourage customers to go elsewhere for email services. It seems to me that if I take the option to transfer my most useful and widely used virgin.net email account to my Virginmedia account I lose 6 others permanently, which is not very helpful. Perhaps I misunderstood what I was told.
I have the customer account numbers and area codes for both my virgin.net and virginmedia accounts. I wish someone would take the time to formally make the connection between them both and keep the virgin.net addresses live. Thank you.