Unable to generate app specific password for blueyonder email address
I have tried many times over several weeks to generate an app specific password for my blueyonder address with no success. I have carefully followed the procedure by VM, logging in to VM with a different email address, but I either receive no reply or a reply much later that doesn't do anything at all when I follow the instructions in it. I am not the most tech savvy person, nor am I a complete idiot. Any help would be much appreciated.
If this is the very first time you've tried to set up the accounts with non-VM e-mails, not sure what the issue is.
I had exactly your problem trying to change settings on my main VM account but it was because I'd already used my main Gmail account to fix the password on my secondary VM e-mail. When trying to use it again I had no replies and no error messages but trying an alternative Gmail account fixed everything. Lesson is you need a separate, unique non-VM e-mail account for each VM e-mail account.