unable to access my virgin media and emails
My virgin.net mail account got hacked. I went through the process of resetting the password. As my virgin email address was the login for My Virgin Media, I changed that address first to my gmail account before I could successfully change the password.
I managed to do that and change the password, but now I can't get into the My VIrgin account and during password reset processes I'm getting this DEF01 error. I also cannot now login to access my emails!
I phoned virgin support who said that because I am no longer a virgin media customer( i used to be a broadband customer some 7 years ago) there were no available security questions and therefore they could not help me and advised me to write via email. When I asked for the email address to use he replied he didn't know but that I should look it up at the bottom of the virgin media page. There is no address!!
Can somebody please help me beacause my virgin.net email account is my primary account.
Can someone help please? I see a lot of other messages about this but the support always ends up saying communication moves privately so I don't see a resolution to the problem!
Thanks in advance