Secondary email password issue
I have tried to set up my wife's virginmedia email account on her new phone. The email is a secondary account from our main virgin media one however we cannot remember the password. I tried a link provided in another thread but I cannot remember the memorable place (must have been really good eh!!) I have tried support from the overseas call centre also but the only solution they offered was to give them a 3rd party email address to reset the password. My main account is already a 3rd party email (been here before sadly). the email works fine on her old phone just wish it worked on the new one. Why cant the solution be sent to the primary email account? if there are security concerns I would think accessing my secondary email would hardly be a hackers objective if he had access to the main account. There was also some confusion as to whether a new 3rd party email would resolve my issue or change my main account, the young lady didn't convince me when I asked her this. Any help or guidance would be gratefully appreciated. Many thanks