Forum Discussion

AKATARIA's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Re: virgin media mail account closed


David in my case my email account has been closed without any warning. i held the account for more than 20 years and I am now 61, these email have my HMRC details, Investment details and many more including evidence for court cases. also, this email account has been my authentication for several investments including virgin pension.. How can I get a temporary activation so that I move my email and change authorizations for other important and legal reasons. Appreciate if this can be resolved asap. Following are my email accounts:




Appreciate  a temporary reactivation. Please send me message on [REMOVED]



[MOD EDIT: Personal and private information has been removed from this post. Please do not post personal or private information in your public posts. Please review the Forum Guidelines]

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I hope they can help you, but you really, really shouldn't use a free email account as a filing system for important personal data without keeping secure offline copies. 

  • coenoby's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    AKATARIA wrote:

    my email account has been closed without any warning. i held the account for more than 20 years

    How can I get a temporary activation

    The big question is, do you still have a live VM broadband account?

    If are still a paying VM broadband  customer, the Forum Team will be able to advise  you on this. One of them will be contacting you via this forum thread in the next day or so.

    If you are no longer a paying VM broadband customer then I'm sorry to say that VM will not be able to help you.

    Just to reiterate what jpeg1 has posted, when you get a new email account remember that an email account is intended to be just a communication tool not a safe place for long term document and data storage.


  • Good Morning AKATARIA, thanks for your post and welcome back to our Community Forums!

    Sorry to hear of the unexpected closure of the E-Mail address.

    Can you please confirm if you are an active Virgin Media subscriber, or if this is in relation to a formerly held Virgin Media account?

    We did once upon a time also provide E-Mail addresses completely free of charge or subscription that ended with the domain - which have been closed down permanently, which we have no access to, and therefore cannot be worked on in any such way by ourselves.



  • Dave,

    As you mentioned that old mailbox may have been deleted. How come virgin decided to get rid off 20 years email for a family ? This is serious as these email are evidence in a criminal case. I am now in the process of getting high court to issue orders for recovery of this. Most outrageous part is that they have deleted the account and it is not possible to reach anyone as you can not get past IVR, phone or even chat as the support personal are unable to authenticate. I am also considering to file complaint to Ombudsman as virgin is only custodian of my personal email and have no right to delete my data. My legal council is now looking into all these aspects. Do you think Virgin media would make any effort to make the recovery or does one of the director has to be summoned by the court. The matter is in High Court for a severe criminal case and all evidence is on emails. appreciate any advice.
