Forum Discussion

Enduser's avatar
Fibre optic
10 months ago

RE: non VM email


Am I correct in believing that when a non VM email address is used to access a VM account it supersedes your old one, ie, when used it logs you into your account then when VM emails are accessed from the account home page it takes you to the email address that has been superseded.

  • Hey Enduser, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear you are having some email problems.

    What do you mean, when you log in?

    If you've logged in it should just be on the email unless you have changed this?

    You could also have a secondary or even a third email address on file? 

    • Enduser's avatar
      Fibre optic

      You use an email address to log into your account via my Virgin Media, now you have to use a non Virgin Media email address.   When you do that and then navigate to one of your email addresses it's one that you can no longer log directly into. 

      • Graham_A's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Enduser Each Virginmedia email address including blueyonder, Ntlworld and now require the log in username for Virginmedia Mail webmail to be changed to a unique third party email address.  This security enhancement is triggered when you want to change the account password.

        Once the username is changed the original email address continues to operate as before apart from the way you log in to the webmail page or the associated My Virgin Media account.

        If you use an email client to access the email account then the username remains as the original email address.


    So, to be absolutely clear, once the non VM email has been created it is no longer possible to log in directly to the original email address.

    • Graham_A's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Enduser No that is incorrect.  Once the username is changed you continue to log in directly to the original email address by entering the third party username and the email account password.

      • Enduser's avatar
        Fibre optic


        I have a total of three VM email accounts.  I can access two of them using the pre existing log in details, but since speaking to an agent a few day ago, and changing to a non VM email address I can only see, log into, one of my email addresses using the non VM email address, the log in protocol for the other two addresses remains the same as before.

        From what you said in your earlier reply, things  will only change if and when I go to change the passwords on either of the other two VM email addreses,s have I got it straight now ?