NTLWorld email account disappeared
Hi there.
I've had an @ntlworld.com email address for the better part of 20 years. Suddenly my Outlook app today started asking for the password, which when re-entered came back as incorrect. Tried logging in via the Virgin webmail but get the same incorrect details error. Tried to reset the password but I get the error "Please ensure you provide the email address you use to sign in to My Virgin Media."
Tried the Virgin whatsapp help and was told that my email address doesn't exist! They confirmed that my mums ntlworld email, created at the same time under the old household account, is valid and shows on their system. But mine doesn't.
The Whatsapp help gave me instructions on registering the email on the My VirginMedia app, but I immediately get the error "Sorry, you can't use a @ntlworld.com email address, please choose a different email".
Tried searching online for help and saw someone suggest to check if the email has been deleted on https://verifalia.com/validate-email - it does show there as still valid.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!