NTL email access.
A couple of days ago when I logged in to my email account under my addrees which is ####@ntlworld.com I was presented with a security screen asking me to tick the segments that contained elements of a bicycle which I failed and then a picture containing mountains and again I failed and was then was asked to reset my ntl passwoed. This did not work and nor did phone calls to the helpdesk in Northern Ireland. I gave up and went to bed,.Yesterday a very helpfull person at the Virgin helpdesk in India told me that it is now Virgin comapny policy to cease servicing people with an NTL email address,and advised me change to google mail. I had a lengthy discussion about how difficult it was for me to contact over a thousand or more addreeses recorded in my Thunderbird email application and then amend their mailing address records as I receive responces..After a long wait he said he had been in discussion with the Virgin IT department and they will remedy the virgin email sofware in order that I can receive and send emails using my windows pc(Thumderbird application) and Apple phone using my old ntlworld email address.;He told me that this could take till next week
Meanwhile my ntl email account is closed so I have joined this community as a google mail user. Hopefully somebody will try an rescue me and I cannot beleive that Virgin has shut me down after being an original NTL user since the last century
Help please as I am desperate and dont believe that Virgin will correct this problem by nextweek
Hey vicyouelatgoogl,
Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your email account.
Are you current Virgin media broadband customer? if you are no longer a customer of ours, any email account would be closed down 90 days after your services disconnect.
Kind Regards,