Forum Discussion

linzilyn's avatar
Tuning in
4 months ago

Not receiving Reset email codes

Hoping for some advice here.

I can't seem to receive password reset codes to my virgin account, namely the likes of Twitter & instagram which is very frustrating when this is the email registered to my account and there is no other way to get back in without a code.
With insta there is an option to use a different email address so I can use my gmail one but no such option with twitter and Im locked out until i can resolve this

  • coenoby's avatar
    Very Insightful Person


    The problem of the non arrival of verification emails from social media sites has come up on this forum several times before over the years. Sadly I have never seen a satisfactory  solution  given.

    Here's an example from last year 

    There suggestions given there from VM staff and other forum members are the obvious ones to check your spam folder and also any filter rules in your VM webmail account to ensure they are not blocking emails from X (formerly Twitter).

    Sorry I can't be more helpful than that.


    • linzilyn's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thanks for your reply Coenoby and the helpful link. I've Had a read through & if Anybody from Virgin can help further

      Just to confirm, these password reset emails seem to be an issue with all my social media accs. Not receiving in webmail nor my samsung email app. checked spam too although i did receive one from the twitter support team last night
      I just go round in circles with their automated suggestions via support.
      A recent one from instagram that i was able to send to my gmail after many failed attemps to my registered virgin email came from

      I cant seem to find filter rules in my settings, Only option for basic settings i.e time zone/language
      It's twitter that is is my current problem as there doesnt seem to be a phone number option to use, maybe that was removed when twitter became X as Im pretty security conscious with my social media and always have 2 factor security on. Very odd

      • coenoby's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        linzilyn wrote:

        I cant seem to find filter rules in my settings,

        To access those you need to:

        • sign into your VM webmail account - you can do that from this link
        • Then click on the cog (settings) symbol top right of the main webmail page
        • Then click on "Email" on the left hand menu
        • Then "Filter rules"

        I would delete or disable any rules that exist.

        Personally, I doubt that the problem is caused by filter rules it's almost certainly down to the auto-generated verification emails failing VM's authentication checks on incoming emails.


  • Thanks.
    There was only 1 rule to delete about holiday mode but it wasnt enabled anyway. I've deleted it.
    Seems coenoby is right and auto-generated password code emails are failing VM's authentication checks on incoming emails.
    This seems something that virgin needs to look at if so many are having the same issue.
    If we know the address these automated emails come from is there any way to add them to a safe list


    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      linzilyn wrote:

      is there any way to add them to a safe list

      No there isn't I'm sorry to say.

      Those authentication checks are effectively made as soon as VM receive the email so they are unaffected by any settings in the relevant VM webmail account.

      To be fair, other email providers do suffer from the same issue from time to time. All responsible email providers take steps to protect their users from scam spoofed emails but VM does seem to be consistently stricter than most.

      The only answer is to set up an email account from a dedicated email provide such as Gmail, etc. Here are some ideas 

      In fact you will need to do that anyway at some point because VM now insist on you having a non VM email address as the username for your VM account and the email account that VM sends any verification emails.

      If you have not already found that then you will the next time you reset you VM account password. 😉





  • Just an update to this. Thanks to twitter support I've managed to get back into my account. They eventually sent me a direct link to my account through their support email address which I was receiving. It took a while but for anyone in the same position dont give up. Unlike instagram/FB if you fill in a support form they do eventually get back to you and you are able to connect with a human. All phone numbers have now been removed and you have to pay for their premium service to have a phone number added for 2 factor Security. Hence the importance of being able to receive these automated email codes.
    Hopefully Virgin media will look at this problem