Forbidden 403 webmail error (all browsers, multiple PCs)
I have two email addresses (secondary emails) where I am not able to access email and I am getting 403 Forbidden.
Also note that I have further 3 email addresses (one primary and two secondaries) where I do not have this problem. I tried this accessing from same devices / same browsers. The steps I do:
- log into (success)
- scroll down to "Quick Links"
- click on "Virgin Media Mail"
- I get Forbidden (for two email addresses, other three show their emailboxes)
NOTE: Cookies cleared. Incognito browser tried. 2 laptops and one PC tried all with the same result. Since the login into virginmedia using these two secondary email addresses works, this confirms password is ok and it must be something virgin media end.
Also note: Outlook works for both of these emails using the same passwords as ones used to login to My Virgin Media.
Could you please look into it.
Thanks in advance.