Email received - Action needed: We’re closing your email account - struggling to get a resolution from VM
I posted on a separate community forum page in response to someone else, but I have received no response/direct message from the VM forum team yet...
I, like many others, have been told that my mailbox will be closed down within 30 days (this was now 14 days ago).
My active VM broadband account is linked to a different email address ( that I do not really use/need.
All I need is my email to be linked to my active VM broadband account, in order to save the mailbox. But so far this has proved a big ask for the VM IT team?!...
I have spent the last 14 days making rather long phone calls to the team who assured me that they would transfer the email over to my active account (a ticket was raised, and a promise that it will be solved "within 48h" each time I call and chase them).
I have also made a complaint to the VM website (received a prompt response within 24h, but that had nothing to do with the resolution of my actual query).
I exchanged a few Twitter private messages with the VM team (all they did is confirm that they will chase the IT ticket owner).
I am now only 2 weeks away from potentially losing my mailbox and 20 years of emails.
I would gratefully take a private message from the Forum Team if they can truly be of any help to bring my email address over to my broadband account.