Change of Emails from Blueyonder.
Well just come off the phone after 2 days of trying to get my e mail acct and check e mails, was on phone for just over 55 mins, so now my blueyonder acct is now gmail acct, why the change, well something about Virgin not supporting Blueyonder, NTLworld etc, I now have to changeall my bank acct,and other actts to gmail, one thing the lady said was that all my saved e mails in my numerous folderss(15) will be transferred and saved into my gmail account, can somebody please confirm that or deny it LOL
fdj12 There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding around these username changes even amongst the VM telephone support staff. Your blueyonder email address has not been changed to a gmail one - there is no way that VM could do that as they have no connection with Google/Gmail. What has changed is that you now need to use a third party email address as the username to sign into your blueyonder email address via My Virgin Media or VM webmail.
You can read about these changes here:
Of course it is entirely up to you if you want to stop using the blueyonder email address and change all your contacts to a gmail address, or any other email for that matter, but VM are not forcing you to do that.