Can't find / reset sub-email account ...
I had a sub e-mail account on my virgin media account for my wife (as well as daughter and son etc).
She hasn't been able to access e-mails on her phone for a while so I tried to check her e-mails via a laptop pc where outlook was set -up and that wont update either - keeps asking for password credentials.
Cannot reset e-mail password via virginmedia account, as it states it doesn't exist (was set-up as a sub e-mail on my vrigin media account) and no longer appears under my set of sub e-mail accounts.
Used to confirm e-mail account still active.
Now worried it may have been compromised - need help in trying to sort out where this e-mail account has disappeared to so that the password can be reset and the mail account accessed again....hoping a moderator can put me in contact with the right people to resolve this.