Blueyonder email domain - proplems receiving email to this domain from certain senders
I have a couple of problems receiving emil to my .blueyonder account. The account is over 20 years old , is set up properly and has worked pretty much on the ball up to a year, maybe 1.5 years ago.
The fist thing I noticed was emails arriving late but got used to that and didnt mind. Until I needed the emails to arrive in time for online sign in "one time password" emails sent to me (which have a time limit to them). On top of this these emails would send to my spam folder and no matter the settings I could not ok them from the virgin online email server. These emails would never reach my other devices so I never noticed till I started trying to trace the problem, could have been going on for longer than I think.
The other (main) problem I have is emails just not arriving at all from on line companies that I have been expecting mail from. These companies have stated that the blueyonder domain is the problem and I need to talk to Virgin to get it sorted.In the mean time I have had to start changing email addresses for these companies to send me email but would rather my prefered email domain sort the problem as it is a service I pay for but dont fully receive.
Getting in touch with virgin is a nightmare now, but getting intouch with someone who would know what I was talking about gives me a headache thinking about it.
Has anyone had any of these issues or any advice on who to contact...
any advice appreciated
greig2000_uk wrote:any advice appreciated
I have been using this forum for many years and what you are experiencing is one of the most email common issues that comes up on this forum.
Expected emails not arriving in to a Virgin Media email account applies to all the VM email domains, so, and It's not restricted to addresses.
It seems that the problem is due to the checks that VM run on all incoming emails to ensure that the incoming email is genuine.That check is intended to block emails that have been "spoofed", that is "faked", to make them appear to come from a genuine organisation when in fact they have been sent by a scammer.
VM's authenticity checks do seem to be more stringent than many other email providers. It particularly affects auto generated emails such as one time password emails, email newsletters and confirmation emails relating to online purchases.
You will see there is a setting in webmail that allows you to turn off spam filtering but experience has proved that this will not solve your problem.
That's because spam filtering on incoming email takes place after the authenticity check that causes these emails to be delayed or blocked. So your missing emails have been blocked before they even reach the VM spam filters.
Sadly, the VM email service does not have a setting which allows users to turn off that check or any reliable way to allow emails from certain senders to be accepted a genuine.
I'm sorry to say that the only way that you can resolve the problem is by switching to using a non VM email account.
In fact you would be well advised to do that anyway.
I don't know if you are aware but VM stopped issuing new email accounts 2 years ago and since then all new VM customers have to use their own email accounts to sign up. VM do still support VM email accounts of existing VM broadband customers but VM email accounts that are no longer linked to a live VM broadband account are gradually being closed down.
The long term future of the VM email service is currently unknown but clearly with no new VM email accounts being issued the number of VM email accounts is falling all the time.
Switching to a non VM email service would be a sensible step. If you do not already have another email service there are many excellent free options available. See these for some ideas