Forum Discussion

greig2000_uk's avatar
On our wavelength
10 months ago

Blueyonder email domain - proplems receiving email to this domain from certain senders


I have a couple of problems receiving emil to my .blueyonder account. The account is over 20 years old , is set up properly and has worked pretty much on the ball up to a year, maybe 1.5 years ago.

The fist thing I noticed was  emails arriving late but got used to that and didnt mind. Until I needed the emails to arrive in time for online sign in "one time password" emails sent to me (which have a time limit to them). On top of this these emails would send to my spam folder and no matter the settings I could not ok them from the virgin online email server. These emails would never reach my other devices so I never noticed till I started trying to trace the problem, could have been going on for longer than I think.

The other (main) problem I have is emails just not arriving at all from on line companies that I have been expecting mail from. These companies have stated that the blueyonder domain is the problem and I need to talk to Virgin to get it sorted.In the mean time I have had to start changing email addresses for these companies to send me email but would rather my prefered email domain sort the problem as it is a service I pay for but dont fully receive.

Getting in touch with virgin is a nightmare now, but getting intouch with someone who would know what I was talking about gives me a headache thinking about it.


Has anyone had any of these issues or any advice on who to contact...


any advice appreciated 




  • greig2000_uk wrote:

    any advice appreciated 

    I have been using this forum for many years and what you are experiencing is one of the most email common issues that comes up on this forum.

    Expected emails not arriving in to a Virgin Media email account applies to all the VM email domains, so, and It's not restricted to addresses.

    It seems that the problem is due to the checks that VM run on all incoming emails to ensure that the incoming email is genuine.That check is intended to block emails that have been "spoofed", that is "faked",  to make them appear to come from a genuine organisation when in fact they have been sent by a scammer.

    VM's authenticity checks do seem to be more stringent than many other email providers. It particularly affects auto generated emails such as one time password emails, email newsletters and confirmation emails relating to online purchases.

    You will see there is a setting in webmail that allows you to turn off spam filtering but experience has proved that this will not solve your problem. 

    That's because spam filtering on incoming email takes place after the authenticity check that causes these emails to be delayed or blocked. So your missing emails have been blocked before they even reach the VM spam filters.

    Sadly, the VM email service does not have a setting which allows users to turn off that check or any reliable way to allow emails from certain senders to be accepted a genuine.

    I'm sorry to say that the only way that you can resolve the problem is by switching to using a non VM email account.

    In fact you would be well advised to do that anyway.

    I don't know if you are aware but VM stopped issuing new email accounts 2 years ago and since then all new VM customers have to use their own email accounts to sign up. VM do still support VM email accounts of existing VM broadband customers but VM email accounts that are no longer linked to a live VM broadband account are gradually being closed down.

    The long term future of the VM email service is currently unknown but clearly with no new VM email accounts being issued  the number of VM email accounts is falling all the time.

    Switching to a non VM email service would be a sensible step. If you do not already have another email service there are many excellent free options available. See these for some ideas 


  • coenoby's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    greig2000_uk wrote:

    any advice appreciated 

    I have been using this forum for many years and what you are experiencing is one of the most email common issues that comes up on this forum.

    Expected emails not arriving in to a Virgin Media email account applies to all the VM email domains, so, and It's not restricted to addresses.

    It seems that the problem is due to the checks that VM run on all incoming emails to ensure that the incoming email is genuine.That check is intended to block emails that have been "spoofed", that is "faked",  to make them appear to come from a genuine organisation when in fact they have been sent by a scammer.

    VM's authenticity checks do seem to be more stringent than many other email providers. It particularly affects auto generated emails such as one time password emails, email newsletters and confirmation emails relating to online purchases.

    You will see there is a setting in webmail that allows you to turn off spam filtering but experience has proved that this will not solve your problem. 

    That's because spam filtering on incoming email takes place after the authenticity check that causes these emails to be delayed or blocked. So your missing emails have been blocked before they even reach the VM spam filters.

    Sadly, the VM email service does not have a setting which allows users to turn off that check or any reliable way to allow emails from certain senders to be accepted a genuine.

    I'm sorry to say that the only way that you can resolve the problem is by switching to using a non VM email account.

    In fact you would be well advised to do that anyway.

    I don't know if you are aware but VM stopped issuing new email accounts 2 years ago and since then all new VM customers have to use their own email accounts to sign up. VM do still support VM email accounts of existing VM broadband customers but VM email accounts that are no longer linked to a live VM broadband account are gradually being closed down.

    The long term future of the VM email service is currently unknown but clearly with no new VM email accounts being issued  the number of VM email accounts is falling all the time.

    Switching to a non VM email service would be a sensible step. If you do not already have another email service there are many excellent free options available. See these for some ideas 


    • Tony_'s avatar
      Dialled in


      Just a couple of thought reading your reply...

      I was interested when you stated :-

      "Expected emails not arriving in to a Virgin Media email account applies to all the VM email domains, so, and It's not restricted to addresses."

      I agree with you from the that this appears to be a common issue but... reason I ask is that I have not had problems with OTP's or expected emails from companies into my ntlworld or virginmedia email address... so it does not seem to be a problem necessarily for everyone. So why is my account seemingly OK (at least for the moment), when others suffer problems. Is it something VM are tinkering with or could change if they wanted to? (That's just a rhetorical question really).

      But yes... I agree with your advice to move to another email provider is a step in the right direction. I am in the process of subscribing to an email provider at cost, but you get quite a bit for your money including a support team.


      • Graham_A's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Tony_  , yes this appears to be a very limited issue.  I haven't noticed any problems with receiving emails to my blueyonder email addresses.  One community member managed to post some detailed header information from a delayed email which should give the VM email team that are investigating this some useful information.

        When VM stopped issuing new email addresses two years ago I believe that only around 250k customers were using the email service.  I suspect that figure will be lower by now.

    • rayhy's avatar
      Tuning in

      I'm astounded that Virgin can get away with this.  No "service" is worth that name if the one providing the service is not supporting it.  People cannot access their email?  Tough.  ;

      Virgin, if you are running this service down, TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS to leave now, before their email stops working!

      • rayhy's avatar
        Tuning in

        Oh and by the way, virginmedia accounts are also affected depending on their context.

        Is there anyone outside of Virgin I can write to to complain about this lack of service?   

  • greig2000_uk's avatar
    On our wavelength

    To the point and very infomative, many thanks for taking the time to explain all that! 🙂

    I never knew any of it 😞

    I will be looking into moving to another email service

    Now I just need someone to complain to about not getting any email whatsoever since this morning...


    any ideas?

    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person


      No problem, I am pleased that you found my post useful.

      Just another tip, once you have set up an alternative email account you can take your time moving over to it. Start off by using it for online accounts where your Blueyonder email account is giving you problems and then take it from there. I did that a few years ago and it was not as painful as you might think.

      As a final step to that switch over process you can set up an auto-forward in your Blueyonder account to send incoming emails to your new email account. At that stage you can manage all your emails from the new account.

      Feel free to post here again if you need any advice on that switching process. 👍


      • greig2000_uk's avatar
        On our wavelength

        Great , thank you!

        I need to be getting email through the servers first before I can forward it on. I know of at least 6 emails (confirmation and payment) I am waiting on since this morning. I have had 1 and that was from this forum after your first reply



  • greig2000_uk's avatar
    On our wavelength

    As a few others have been starting to find out, there seems to be a problem with virgin allowing email through their stringent security measures causing a great amout of inconvenience to users.

    Who do we need to speak to to get someone to sort it out?



    • Carley_S's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi greig2000_uk 

      Welcome back to the community forums

      Sorry to hear you're having issues with your email at this time. 

      Are you having an issue sending or receiving emails sorry? 

      Are you using an email client like gmail or outlook or are you using our webmail?

      Any error messages at your side at all if it's stopping you sending emails?

      • Sigma's avatar
        Fibre optic

        I've been having the same problem with an NTLWorld account.

        It only affects receiving mail, not sending.

        I use an email client on my PC, but emails are not showing up in webmail either (and I have checked to make sure they're not getting mistakenly labelled as spam - they're not). They're just disappearing into the ether. My email client is connecting to the server and checking for new mail just fine, so there's no error messages - it's just that there is no new mail there to be received, even though there should be. I have sent myself test emails from a couple of different non-VM accounts, plus I've also bought a couple of things online - none of these emails show up anywhere.

  • greig2000_uk's avatar
    On our wavelength


    As requested by forum moderator team after private message...

    "Hi greig2000_uk,

    Thanks for messaging. This mailbox is used primarily for the moderators. If you would like some assistance with your query, please post a thread on the Community. If you’ve already done so, someone will be along to help and advise, whether it be a fellow user or a member of staff."

    Many thanks,

    Community Moderators


    Please raise a complaint about this to whomever is responsible as there seems to be no support either by phoning Virgin media or on this forum. I am looking at ways to elevate this externally also.

    Email users including myself are complaining about emails not getting through and arriving very late. Your email authenticity checks are causing chaos and need revised as this seems to be getting worse.

    Missing email means not being able to sign in to accounts that send one time password emails (OTP), payment confirmation emails, delivery tracking emails, Hospital/Doctor emails. Virgin seem to be actively denying access to all the above as this is just the emails I know I am expecting.

    Just spent 1.5 hours on the phone for them to muck my account up - only just got it sorted back to where it was.

    Useless and wont be happening again..

    please advise



    • jpeg1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      VM email will only get worse.  Move your email to another provider.

      • cw1ntev's avatar
        On our wavelength

        Sadly looks like this is the only sane response to the total lack of service provision from Virgin. You might expect due advance warning of function change/cessation and some reduction in charges but....

    • cw1ntev's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Yes, my wife and I are also seeing this. I know for a fact that emails are sent as my domain copies them to another provider. The emails all arrive there fine but virgin are delaying by 8-12 hours and deleting many (most) emails at random. Some of these deleted are more or less identical small batch from automated reporting systems- I may get one 12 hours late and 2 are deleted. I can't even send my wife a small picture entirely with Virgin's own email universe (eg from V account to another V account). It was bad before but just got hugely worse around Weds 8th May.

    • jpeg1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      VM stopped issuing new email addresses two years ago, and every user now has to use a non VM contact emai for their broadband account. You can draw your own conclusions from that 

      You won't get any reduction of charges because VM regards their remaining email service as a "free add-on".  And it's fair to say that you do get what you pay for! 

  • Thank you ravenstar68 and I would like to gather a few examples from this thread so we can send this on to the teams. 

    Can I just confirm greig2000_uk  I am going to pop across a PM now so we can take a closer look into this. 

    I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.
    Can I also clarify rayhy are you also experiencing this same issue? 

    • rayhy's avatar
      Tuning in

      Emails not received in a domain (for about 8 weeks)  My email address is a and it is working fine. I hold the account, the other address in it is the virginmedia domain (if that's the right word for it!).  (The person who uses it  has given up hope and opened another email address on another platform)

      Hope this helps.  (What's a PM?)

      Thanks Ashleigh_C.  

      (Seems  to me that Virgin has done something without first doing an impact analysis.  Also that Virgin are not really interested in keeping their email users happy)


      • ravenstar68's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        What's a PM - Check on the top right of the Forum pages to see the Envelope Icon.  PM = Private message, and these can be viewed by clicking the envelope.

        If using the mobile version of the site, tap your profile picture and you will see a menu which includes Notifications and private messages.

        Note: As a rule do not PM the Forum Team out of the blue, but do respond to their messages and they will assist.

        With regard to your last statement, I've seen this on VM's system occasionally over the years, but I've also seen it woth other ISP's including BT.  For ISP's email is an afterthought as it's considered an add on to the actual service which is the provision of a broadband connection.  It's not a paid service, and many ISP's around the world no longer offer email to new customers.


    • greig2000_uk's avatar
      On our wavelength


      you do know this thread is from 5 weeks ago dont you, bit late to the party I think.

      if you check the forum around the same time you'll see lots of posts complaining about the same problem


      your PM has been answered



  • Just caught up with the advice from  greig2000_UK.. My wife has recently moved from VM email to another provider after we received no help whatsover when she stopped receiving all email.   I spotted a question posed on another topic where Virgin software was not working as specified.  So, what are the QA processes (if any) that are being followed wrt email changes?



    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey rayhy, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.

      What software are you having issues with?