403 Forbidden on webmail (Again)
- 2 years ago
Hi Steve
I've just finished a call with customer support(?). I had this same issue for about a week and a half.
I've now managed to access my account with thanks of a moderator on this Forum liaising with tech team on my behalf.
I was advised to do the following:
1. Log in to VM account
2. Account Settings> Virgin Media Mail Account settings> Generate New App Password, copy and paste (make a note - you will also need to enter the final password generated to access your account on Android and Apple device) (do not select DONE)>go back a screen (arrow top left of screen).
3.Go to Account Settings>Password - copy and paste new password, save. Log out.
4 Repeats steps to 1 to 3 again two more times. (Remember make note of password generated by App)
5. Log in, access Virgin Media Mail from VM Account Dashboard. And fingers crossed all should work.
Please note, I went back and changed my password in VM Account to one I could remember but still needed to enter the generated one to access my e-mails on iPad and Android phone.
Hope this helps.