interruptions to service
Is it just me or does anyone else suffer from regular interruptions to service between 0001 & 0200?
I usually try to watch something on TV360 but if I use an app like channel 4 or ITV X to stream there is usually a connection error. It usually sorts itself out but I am left unable to watch anything "on demand" until it does. I check the service status on the VM app and it always says no problems but then fails to identify any problems if I run a check. asking for more help on the app just sends me down a techie rabbit hole.
are VM system engineers/network managers doing some "routine maintenance" that drops the connection? if so its damn inconvenient for us nightowls. I would just like to be able to "catch up" a whole episode of one of my shows without interruption, its bad enough that they have ad breaks (but I can fast forward through them).