15 Years and no loyalty.
So after coming up on 15 years as a Virgin Media customer. I'm finally going to leave.
With the price rises I thought maybe I'll stick with them. But after seeing many other suppliers offer the same speeds and TV packages for cheaper, it's time to say goodbye forever to VM.
Once a bastion of the fastest speeds, the biggest packages. Now a husk of itself.
Saw on here and in the VM reddit of long standing customers receiving really good rates. Even had one on Reddit send me a screenshot of what they'd managed to get.
But it appears as a long standing customer since 2010, these prices are not for me. Just everyone else.
Went through online chat 6 times. All offered me reduced services at a higher cost (which moron accepts that?). Would I like a transcript? Yes! Have I ever received one? Nope!
So after making a complaint. I was offered £15 off, on the caveat I sign a new 18m contract. Bear in mind this is still £32 per month more than the other long standing customers have received.
So all in all. 15 years means you're allowed to pay nearly £900 more than others for the life of your contract.
So once my contract is up. It's time to go.
I guess this is why VM lost 2,000 customers in May and is losing billions every year. Their priorities aren't right.
So long!