Forum Discussion

Bernski's avatar
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26 days ago

VM 1Gig with Hub5 and 3 x wifi pods...(speeds)

If using the Hub 5 with 3 x wifi pods in a 4 bedroom terraced house. What kind of wifi speeds do people achieve when devices are far from the Hub and connecting via the pods?

I know the Wifi Max guarantee that VM offer is 30Mb in all parts of the home. But is anyone else achieving better speeds with their set ups?

Trying to decide whether upgrading to a mesh system would be worthwhile. There are 4 other VM routers in neighbouring houses and not sure if this is also causing some interference and effecting performance. Thanks in advance.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    With the type of home you have I do not think a mesh system would offer you much in the way of a faster connection. The real answer is to either cable in the VM pods back to the hub with Ethernet cable or invest in wired Wireless Access Points. For the VM pods or a mesh system to work efficiently the pod must be equal distance from the hub and the target machine. If it’s in the same location as the target it is just getting a WiFi signal with the same strength as the target machine. Contrary to what many vendors say you cannot boost a WiFi signal, the only thing you can do is increase its range, but often with a reduced signal.

    • Bernski's avatar
      Joining in

      Many thanks for your reply. So would you say that speeds of around 50 to 150MB would be pretty standard when using a 3rd pod and around 15m from the main Hub?

      • Adduxi's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Correct me if I’m wrong, but unless the Pods have a dedicated backhaul they will drop roughly 50% speed on each hop?  Personally I’m with Tudor on this one with wired AP’s .

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    As advised you should use Ethernet cable (like cat 6), best to wire each pod directly to the hub and get pretty much the full speed each pod is capable of.