Forum Discussion

Marlfox's avatar
Tuning in
2 months ago

Virgin Media Hub 3 + modem mode + TP-Link Archer C6 Router WiFi AC1200Mbps = not working

Like many, I have been using the regular hub 3 and finally got fed up because its wireless signal is just ... abysmal throughout the house. Extenders didn't work well, so I bought this TP-Link Archer C6 Router WiFi AC1200Mbps.

The idea was to retain the VM SSID as I got them now, password as is, so my devices would just connect to the known network - just with stronger coverage throughout the house.

I tried to follow some of the guidance I found online (none of them directly providing step-by-step guidance for my setup). Set up the TP-Link router as per instruction manual (and already didn't know whether to pick Router or Access Point mode there - I tried both). Put the hub 3 in modem mode, switched it off, connected the TP-Link Router to ethernet ports 1, 2, 3, 4 - reset devices - my VM SSID never reappeared.

After a few hours of fuitle effort, I gave up, put the hub 3 back into router mode, and factory reset the TP-Link router, so I'm back at square 1.

Is there anyone here who has the same (or similar) setup and can give me an idiot's guide, step-by-step, how I can get this working? Or know of any platform-groups (Discord, Reddit, etc.) that can help me work this out successfully, please? 

Big please?

Thank you for your time!
