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ajmiker's avatar
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2 years ago

Virgin Hub 5x Change IP Address

Any suggestions to get the 5x hub working in modem mode or just change the IP Address?

  • There has been mention that once logged in to the Hub 5x menus, the URL below links to the Router/Modem mode option that is currently hidden from the menu :

    Being an RFoG area we don't have the Hub 5x so are unable verify the info.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    There has been mention that once logged in to the Hub 5x menus, the URL below links to the Router/Modem mode option that is currently hidden from the menu :

    Being an RFoG area we don't have the Hub 5x so are unable verify the info.

  • Yeah saw that link thanks, it does work at least I see the option to enable, will try when I get time and post back 🙂

    BTW what's with the fixed lan IP, just why?

  • Recently had Virgin Media 1GB fibre installed with a hub 5x and expected to be able to run it in modem mode and utilise my TP-link ER605 router that I had previously set up with Plusnet broadband. Have tried to get the system working but does not appear to be an output from the 10Gbps port on the 5x router when in Modem mode. Having read a number of posts it appears that the hub 5x can be switched to modem mode but does not have the firmware to operate!! Feel as if I have taken a backwards step having to utilise the VM router when would much prefer to have the control on my home network with the ER605.. I am astomished that the 5x router has been released without Modem mode capability and want to know when this will be provided??

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The link is hidden because a Hub 5x in Modem mode does not result in a working internet connection.

  •  I work for a company that now has to advise users to not purchase virgin for home internet if they wish to be able to work from home due to not being able to change the LAN IP of the hub5x

    the 3 could be done with snmp requests but the 5 seems to have locked this down. It would appear that of all the providers we have to deal with around europe and asia, Virgin is the only ones with devices we cannot configure to our requirements

    • legacy1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      hyperstar24 wrote:

       I work for a company that now has to advise users to not purchase virgin for home internet if they wish to be able to work from home due to not being able to change the LAN IP of the hub5x

      easy fix get a router then you can change the LAN IP 

      • hyperstar24's avatar
        Joining in

        We shouldn't have to do this for all the users that have purchased Virgin, this would only be possible if we could then bill virgin back for all users that used there service for the additional hardware required. As stated before virgin is the only broadband supplier we have to deal with crippled hardware for worldwide. we will continue to advise users to never purchase services from virgin 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    A credible explanation of why one needs to care about the local IP range of a domestic or business office LAN will make educational reading.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Its why VM should go back to modems only then we will not have a problem

    NAT could of been done differently to not have this problem