Virgin Hub 5 Keeps Disconnecting
We had a Virgin Hub 4 for years, configured in modem only mode and connected via ethernet cable to the primary Google WiFi puck that acts as a router and provides WiFi to the rest of the house. There is an unmanaged Netgear 8 port gigabyte switch connected to the primary Google WiFi puck. The switch is then connected to various devices via ethernet (TV, AVR, PS4, Blu-ray player etc). There is also a Google WiFi puck hardwired to that switch via a 30 meter long ethernet cable to provide WiFi connectivity to the shed at the back of the garden. There are an additional 4 Google WiFi pucks scattered across the house that connect to the primary Google WiFi puck over WiFi.
This has been working perfectly for the past 7 years or so. However about 3-4 months ago (having changed nothing) we started having problems. The WiFi would randomly stop working every day or so, and the only way to get it to work again was to restart the Virgin 4 Hub and then restart the primary Google WiFi puck. Also on a daily basis the ethernet connected Google WiFi puck in the shed would stop working even though the WiFi in the house was working. I have tested the ethernet cables between the Virgin Hub, the main Google WiFi puck, the switch and the Google WiFi puck in the shed with an ethernet cable tester and all are OK. If I remove the switch from the setup and connect the main Google WiFi puck to the Google WiFi puck in the shed directly via an ethernet cable the issue still occurred.
I called Virgin support, they got me to factory reset the Virgin 4 Hub (using the 60 second press of the reset button), put the Virgin 4 Hub back into modem only mode, issue still happened. I called Google WiFi support, they got me to factory reset the entire Google WiFi network and recreate it from scratch, issue still happens. Spoke to Virgin support again and they sent me a Hub 5.
I set up the Hub 5, waited a few days for all the system updates to run, (just to be safe), then put it into modem only and connected it to the main Google WiFi puck. It worked for about 2 days then all the same issues started happening again. I factory the entire Google WiFi network and recreated it from scratch. Issue still occurs, actually I think it has gotten worse. Now we are finding all internet connectivity goes down at least once a day.
Not sure what the next course of action should be. I wonder if there is an issue with the cabling from the box on the street into our house? Weird that it has worked perfectly for 7 years and now all of a sudden has stopped working.
I'll post the Downstream, Upstream and Network logs after this post. If anyone has any advice or suggestions on how to resolve this I would be greatly appreciative.