Forum Discussion

rlovers's avatar
Just joined
7 months ago

Unbelievably frustrating process to order Wifi Pods

Had bad signal in the house for a long time, but recently had to move home office so it became a problem.

Contacted Virgin by phone to attempt to order Wifi pods.

TLDR, I don't think they are actually placing orders, I am being lied to, ignored, cut off, and generally let down. I'm investing a lot of time to try and access the service contracted, and not able to get it.

18th July - after making it through the phone wait time, we started the process of checking speed using samknows realspeed. I had a slow download speed <2mbps, when it could connect, but a fast upload speed. The operative tried to tell me that up was down. Obviously the download speed is the thing that really matters here as it determines how quickly I can access content. I called him out on this, and he very quickly just offered to 'take my word for it' and place an order for a pod. Surprisingly, he also asked if there is poor signal elsewhere in the house (there is) and offered to call back the next week to arrange another pod. An email confirmation of the order was promised.

No email confirmation arrived, but he did call back the following week, 25th July.

25th July. We went through the process again and another order was supposedly placed, again with a promise of a confirmation email. I raised at this point that I had not received any confirmation email, he promised to solve this.

Nothing happened.

29th July. I got back in contact via Whatsapp. I was told an order had been placed on the 26th but the order on the 18th had failed. They initially refused to correct this by sending 2 pods, but when I complained, they said two pods would be sent. I was to receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.

31st July. Still no confirmation. I started back on whatsapp, was told the order was placed for one pod and that I need to wait, then I was cut off before my complaint ("what about the second pod?").

Im back in contact on Whatsapp as we speak, although they haven't responded for some time. Again, an order was apparently placed on 26th for one pod, and we are back to arguing that only one pod can be ordered at a time. I am explaining that I have been in contact on two separate occasions. They don't seem to have the power to place two orders, even to correct an error.

Things I've been told:
You'll get a confirmation email immediately (an email arrived with broad instructions, but no confirmation)
Confirmation email in 2 hours

Confirmation email in 24 hours

The pods will be dispatched within 72 hours

They'll be with you in 3-5 days

They'll be with you in no more than 14 days



Obviously I'm frustrated that 2 weeks after my call I've not received any pods, but mostly it is exhausting dealing with the lies I'm being told in the process. Clearly the operatives are struggling to help, so they just tell me whatever they think I need to hear to go away.

Mostly its disappointing that an operative tried to fool me by telling me that up is down, and I suspect when called out he told me he had ordered something, but he hadn't. The follow up contact has been more of the same.

It is totally disgraceful that such a prime company is able to treat its customers with such little care.


  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Place an order for a decent multi node Wi-Fi Mesh and have it delivered & working tomorrow.

    How much do you value your time ?

  • Hi rlovers,

    Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

    I'm very sorry to hear of your Wi-Fi/wireless connection issues, and that you've been struggling to arrange the order of a Wi-Fi Pod too. If you require further assistance since your post, please respond to the private message that I'll be sending to you shortly and we'll proceed from there.
