Unable to connect my TP Link VR2100 router to the internet (VM Hub 3 switched to modem only mode)
I’m unable to connect to the internet when my TP Link VR2100 router is connected to the Virgin Media Hub3 (modem only mode). Please see the details below:
- I have logged into the Virgin Media Hub 3 settings, and switched to modem only mode. The light on the hub changed to purple.
- I connected the VM Hub3 (LAN1) to the TP-Link (LAN4/WAN) with an ethernet cable.
- I logged into my TP Link VR2100 settings and changed to Wireless Router Mode (See image1) using this guide (https://www.tp-link.com/en/support/faq/1731/). The router then rebooted.
- I then clicked on TP Link Quick Setup and selected my region and timezone: UK and GMT. (See image2)
- I selected the ISP from the ISP list. The only option available was: Other (See image3)
- On the Internet Setup I selected see below and image4:
VLAN Tag: No
Internet Connection Type: PPPoE
Username: I typed the Virgin Hubs SSID
Password: I typed the Virgin Hubs wifi password
- I did not change the default Wireless Settings of the TP Link router. (See image5)
- Then it did a connection test, but it was unable to connect. It said ‘Sorry! Internet not connected. Please reconfigure your parameters. If the problem still exists, please contact your ISP.’ (See image6)
- My computer is connected to the TP Link router wifi, but it says, No Internet, Secured. (See image7)
I’ve tried switching the Virgin Hub and TP Link router off and on, but I’m still unable to connect the TP Link router to the internet. Please advise how to connect the TP Link VR2100 to the internet when connected to the Virgin Media Hub 3 (switched to modem only mode).
As legacy1 said.
However I believe TP-Link calls it "Dynamic IP". Set it to Dynamic IP not PPPoE and you don't need any password.