Forum Discussion

CraigGriggs's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Struggling to order WiFi pods

I know this seems to be a popular topic of conversation. 

So it baffles me why virgin have made this so hard to do. 


I have run the tests in the app, I have a rear in the house with no WiFi at all and some with very poor below the 30mbps limit.  


I have spoken to 4 people on the chat today. All have apparently ordered me a WiFi black pod.  


But as yet, no email or text confirming this has happened.  

All I want is a decent WiFi signal all round my house. I pay for the 1 GB system. 


But virgin just don't want to honour their WiFi guarantee. 


Any help would be appreciated from the Virgin Media team. 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The number of days to xmas is low.  VM could take weeks to issue the first VM Pod and then it might not work,
    plus you will face the same run around & open ended delays for the second and eventually a third.

    It would be expedient to order a Wi-Fi Mesh for next day delivery and get the whole house covered in one hit
    and best of all with kit that you own and control.

  • 'So it baffles me why virgin have made this so hard to do."

    No it’s obvious, making an offer of a 'WiFi Guarantee', cost nothing and might even get more sign ups. But actually honouring it, well that cost them money, which VM would rather not pay out for, hence the ‘difficulties’, shall we say in  actually getting pods!

    Cynic? Me? No absolutely not!

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If I could make one other wish for VM it would be to stop doing pods.