Hi, I am also having problems ordering a pod. I started a topic but no one has responded. I have pasted my posts below, can anyone help?
I need to order a pod. I have done the test on VM connect and have poor wifi in part of our house, but no option on app to order a pod (I have followed previously posted instructions but the option to order just isn't there). I called Virgin and they informed I was eligible for a pod as a Volt customer but they needed to put me through to another team to order this. I was then put on hold to wait for this other team but after 45 minutes of listening to the same music over and over there was no answer, not even any reassurance that I was still on hold and that someone would answer eventually. How on earth do you get hold of one of these pods? It seems lots of people have the same issues.
Post 2:
Can anyone help me with this? I have just called Virgin again to finish the process started two days ago and order a pod. I explained all the above and the person I spoke to this time insisted on starting the whole process from scratch and came to the conclusion that my I need to monitor my connection and he could not order a pod for me. I explained that the connection to the rooms concerned has always been bad over several years and "monitoring" it is not going to improve the situation. I also explained that I had already been told I could have a pod and asked what had changed. He couldn't really answer me and we just went round in circles. He said the only way to order a pod is via the Connect App, but I had already explained to him that I had tried that and I don't receive an option to order a pod despite the app detecting a poor signal. Please help, this is all very frustrating. It is like Virgin don't want customers to have the wifi they are paying for!