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sm3000's avatar
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3 months ago

Strange WiFi issue with Hub 3, multiple devices sometimes "connected without internet" - Hub fault?

Have been having this issue for a month or so now, nothing has changed in terms of what devices are being used or software changes etc on them, and have had the same Hub 3 for years and a VM Booster Pod for quite a while now too (which is needed as had real problems with signal in places previously) and no issues with them, only issues have been if the actual VM connection has been down or had problems. The connection from the Hub to VM is fine though as a computer that is connected by cable to it isn't having issues. The Hub has a solid red power light but I understand that is just that the white LED wears out rather than it being faulty, it has been red for a long time ie before this issue.

But now several devices that usually connect fine will sometimes do the whole "connected without internet" thing ie they will connect to the WiFi (signal strength is fine since getting the Pod, and can even be right next the router, it definitely isn't a signal strength issue) and then say they are connected but no internet etc - have had it on a couple of Android phones which usually seem to be need to be left for some time before they will connected (toggling off WiFi or rebooting them doesn't seem to help) and on an Apple laptop which usually seems to get it after waking from sleep and it will connect if left for a while or if rebooted.

The really odd thing is that it doesn't affect all devices simultaneously, eg can have two phones side-by-side, one will be connected fine but the other will have this issue for some time, then the other one might have the issue another time etc.

I've tried the pinhole reset on the Hub 3 so all settings are default (WPA2-PSK as recommended on other threads is set/seems to be the default), tried changing the smart channel optimisation to off as that seems to be recommended by some here, but did the reset again to put it back to defaults when I found that isn't compatible with the Booster Pod. The Apple laptop is an old one so hasn't had any software updates for a few years, so nothing has changed there - as it's affecting multiple devices which seemed to start around the same time, I can't think it can be anything other than a Hub issue, but it doesn't feel quite like a Hub fault with the way it seems completely random what device will be affected and when, with a Hub fault I'd expect more consistency ie no devices working. Have tried clearing and re-entering the saved WiFi network on the devices.

So I'm looking to find out please whether this is a Hub fault and if so if we can arrange to get it swapped (presumably would also need the Booster Pod swapped as understand they are keyed to the Hub?), or if anything else to try, but can't think of anything other than the above? Not looking to change to a third-party one as is more cost and complexity, and have had the Hub 3 for years without this issue so shouldn't need to.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Connected without internet is exactly what a device looks like when Paused or Filtered
    from access to the VM Hub's Wi-Fi by the VM Connect app.

    • sm3000's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks, haven't had/used the app for a long time though so don't think it can be that this time, only tried it when originally getting the Pod (there was some issue ordering it so ordered it through the forum here instead) which was a long time ago now.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Like you like many you need to get your own better router and just use hub in modem mode

    you may ask for a hub 4/5 only to have the same or more of a problem 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    We found Wi-Fi Channel Optimisation makes the Hub 3 have poorer Wi-Fi compatibility,
    for some devices that does mean no connection when enabled.

    The locked down VM Pods are on the list of kit that we do not have,  as is the very intrusive VM Connect app that needs to be uninstalled from all devices in the home to prevent it from constantly trying to re-enable Wi-Fi Channel Optimisation.

    Use of fixed Wi-Fi channels ( 1 or 6 or 11 and 36 or 44 ) on the VM Hub
    also improves stability and prevents random channel change dropouts

    • sm3000's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks, unfortunately we were struggling with signal in places before adding the Pod (which was quite some time ago now, so the addition of the Pod isn't what has caused this issue in the last month or so, unless it has developed a fault which could cause this) so can't really remove the Pod and have channel optimisation disabled. It was previously working fine with the default settings so I don't think it's the cause of this "connected without internet" issue. Haven't had the VM app installed since back when ordering the Pod so all good there.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Might be time for 60 second press on the Reset button of the Hub 3 to clean up its behaviour.
    After using Reset, leave the Hub 3 Powered On to complete the factory reset.

    We had to do this a couple of months ago to get the Hub 3's DHCP server to restart,
    the symptoms were some kit connected ok and some not.

    • sm3000's avatar
      Joining in

      Have tried the 60 second pinhole reset a few times already, the devices do connect after doing that but the issue seems to return a day or two later...

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Connecting to Wi-Fi then not having access to internet can be caused by things like ...

    1) DHCP failure i.e. the device has self allocated and IP that is not in the range or no IP details.
    2) DHCP fault i.e. the device has an invalid IP or Gateway or DNS.
    3) The device is configured to use a static IP that is not compatible with the VM Hub.
    4) The device is configured with a DNS that is not usable from VM internet
    5) The device is blocked from access i.e.check both Wireless MAC filtering & Security >> MAC Filtering there a two places in the Hub 3 where a device can be blocked.
    6) A security package or product is blocking access.

    By looking at the IP details of a device that connects but does not work
    it may be possible to discover what has occurred.

    As a guide we would expect a device working with the Hub to have :

    IP Address allocated in the range
    Mask of
    Gateway of   ( i.e. the VM Hub )
    DNS of  (and / or)

  • Thanks - couldn't see anything incorrect with the device IP addresses etc - they are all set to automatic, so definitely no invalid settings (and as I said they do usually connect, just sometimes have this issue, whereas if there were invalid settings they would never connect).

    There's definitely nothing blocked on the Hub, it have never added anything to those areas and it has had the 60 second pinhole reset multiple times which would clear anything back to defaults anyway. VM app is not installed or in use.

    No additional/third party security products installed on the devices

    Would appreciate if VM staff could respond please as it does seem to be a fault on their side of things, it can't be anything on the device side given that they are set to automatic IP etc/absolutely nothing has changed with them from before this issue was occurring and there are similar issues that started affecting multiple devices around the same time (if it was just a single device then yes could be a fault on either side), and the normal 60 second pinhole reset has been done multiple times so it is all at default VM settings.

    • Steven_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hello sm3000,

      Welcome to the Community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your connection at the moment. 

      I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
      Kind Regards,

  • You're very welcome sm3000 and please do let us know how the visit goes and if you have any further questions.


    Kind Regards,


    • sm3000's avatar
      Joining in

      Many thanks for your help, the technician swapped our years-old Hub 3 for a new one (still Hub 3) given that the issue seemed to point to that as it didn't seem to be device or connection-related, and the old Hub had the solid red light - it's been fine for the first couple of days with it, so hoping this has fixed the issue...