Forum Discussion

KhanMW's avatar
Tuning in
6 months ago

Slow WiFi with Gig1 barely reaches 50mbps even with a pod

So as soon as I installed my hub 5 with gig1 (I had 3 replacements within 4 days due to a bandwidth problem which is still happening) I got around 200mbps upstairs in my room consistently for about 5 speed tests. 

after a few hours it is consistently 50 mbps or lower. Absolutely ridiculous. Even lower than my previous hub and bundle which was m500. That gave me atleast 80 mostly. I have a literal WiFi 6 pod in my room aswell which strengthens the connection but absolutely useless for download speed. Even my upload speed is higher. The reason why I upgraded to gig1 was to get BETTER speeds virgin media not even slower speeds than before. Not only do you guys give me slower speed but you also reward me by literally blocking my bandwidth connections on your end so that I cannot even connect wirelessly even when changing the settings(they revert every few hours) 

I’ve had 2 engineers over and 3 hub replacements just in the last week and still I get low crazy low speeds for what a gig1 should offer unless I’m right next to the box. I’ve called VM hundreds of times too. I feel like there is no helping with this company I’m never getting anywhere. I started my contract with them end of 2023. Since then I’ve had 3 engineer visits and 4 hub replacements. 2/3 of those engineer visits in the last week alone and 3/4 of the hub replacements too. Not even the engineers could over write the bandwidth corrupted settings. Recent one temporarily changed to smart connection and it worked for a day. Today we had to disable that to make it work again. 

all that aside, WHY am I getting sub 100mbps on a gig1 package even with a pod? My house is not even large so it doesn’t make any sense. 

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Well if you think you can do better get your own wifi router with 1Gb ports or better and put hub in modem mode.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Just be aware that a VM Pod or any kind of Wi-Fi repeater can offer a repeated signal that is stronger
    but it will be at the cost of at lease a 50% loss of speed.

    A common error is to place a VM Pod or Wi-Fi repeater at the location where reception from the Hub is very poor or even not possible, the result is a large area of stronger signal but with very little if any bandwidth.

    Better results should come with the VM Pod placed mid way between your room and the VM Hub as per the installation instructions.

    50Mb/s is typical for a device connected on the 2.4Ghz band in 802.11n i.e. Wi-Fi 4 mode.