Forum Discussion

bodgeup's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

SH4 in modem mode responding to 2 ips and

I noticed a problem with my SH4 in modem mode, it still responds / web ui loads on the 2 default lan ips? I've tried several factory resets but it's still the same? I have been trying to get a replacement via support web chat but rhe my virgin media app doesn't get past a your hub needs a reset.

I'm hoping VM staff read this and can arrange a replacement self install.



  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    its fine for the new hub to load the UI on them IP's as long as you get your WAN IP its fine

    • bodgeup's avatar
      On our wavelength

       Yeah that, i gathered. I should mentioned initially some web searching took me to other occurances of the same issue on the SH4 and it does sound like a fault with the Firmware that normally can be resolved with a factory reset but for devices that it doesn't resolve then its a HW swap job.  I only noticed the issue when one day I was too lazy to mess around with an old semi managed switch which still had its default IP which was unfortunately which I wasnt able to reach as I kept hitting my SH4 which made me wonder as knowing I was in modem mode it should of only responded to which also loaded.  Thanks for your reply though, yes it will work but its def not supposed to do this I'm just lucky I don't use any sort of MAC to IP bind spoofing detection on my Firewall or that could lead to some problems. I may just have to call the dreaded 150 number, as the web chat support channel seems to be difficult to access on purpose nowdays..

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Yes, if your Router is not using the   IP range, the Hub 4 can be reached on both IP addresses.  This has been a known "feature" for quite some time.

    • bodgeup's avatar
      On our wavelength

      surely its not supposed to do that, Im an IT engineer and ive never seen it before unless u add additional IPS to a nic.. but if modem mode uses then why should it also respond to router mode ip i havent checked mac addresses yet but surely theres a fault.  FYI i did read about this online and people were saying i was a firmware fault??

  • bodgeup's avatar
    On our wavelength

    fyi i dont use, also no past hubs had this issue leading me to believe articles online that its a firmware fault

  • That's not ideal but it shouldn't break anything.

    No NIC has an IP in bridge mode but it's supposed to have the 100.1 bridge, no idea why it keeps the other address.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    It’s been reported before and is not a problem.

    If your LAN subnet is not when any device sends out a request to your own router correctly sends it out on the interface to the VM hub.

    If your LAN subnet is when any device sends out a request to your own router if it is not on that address knows it’s the local LAN and will not forward it to the VM hub. 

    As far as I know it has only been reported for the Hub4, but may happen on the Hub5. 

    • bodgeup's avatar
      On our wavelength

      granted it works, but the biggest problem is that the 2 ips mac addresses are different which for my scenario is causing major headaches,,,  Would it be possible to request a replacement Hub 5 now??

      I use a 3rd party firewall with sh4 in modem mode but the IPS and conflict detection is whats causing big problems 

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It shouldn't cause any problem even if your LAN was it will stay on your LAN side

    • bodgeup's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Sorry what my last message was to suggest was that the 2 ips even on the Same physical hub port are using separate mac addresses which is obviously yes but why would the sh4 still use the ip I'm modem mode which also makes that additional mac address visable. Modem mode on past hubs were always only. I'm just wondering if this is actually a firmware bug especially after reading that the original sh5's don't have a modem mode? Anyway my main point being why is this happening on the sh4 when didn't on previous models? For sure it must provide some kind of vunarability?


    • bodgeup's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks for your replies I do appreciate them but I realise that the ips  are going to be on the lan side but I'm sure this has to be a faulty SH4 as this scenario shouldn't happen, granted the ip used for modem mode has its own mac address and again for the ip which also has its own mac address but I've never seen on older model Super hubs respond to both local ips at the same time in modem mode? See my 3rs party firewall has before I made changes seen the 2 ips with there separate macs on the same wan port of the firewall as suspicious macs via arp tables or conflicts in its IPS module. Hence why I posted originally in the hopes someone from VM might see this post and assist with a super hub replacement?

      Like I mentioned ive had most of the prior models and modem mode was always on only and router mode was always on and there was never any crossover it was one ip and mac per mode.  Hence my initial thought that this has to be a fault or a bug with the SH4 model only, I'd be interested to know if other SH4 users see the same thing both modes local ips active and responding at the same time in either mode it's actually in?

      It may be time to attempt at getting through to a helpful tech support agent via the vm app I suppose. 


  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I don't see what your getting at in modem mode both and go to a DEAD MAC

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It makes no difference your IPS is wrong and likely sets off when going to anyway.

    When you go to you do not ARP from your routers WAN IP to it to get the MAC it points to VM gateway MAC and the hub picks up you going to and replies from the DEAD MAC same goes for it make no difference you only ARP to the hub if you put a virtual interface on the WAN

    Simply don't put in you browser even if your router LAN is its fine

    VM will not fix this everything works fine is not like I go to a HTTP web site IP and the hub replies 

    • bodgeup's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I've reported an issue now anyway as I've been getting dropouts / reboots every day around 2am now and it's been every single day too. Although from other posts it seems this isn't an isolated problem either, but we'll see what they say, even the my virgin media app is useless for status tests now as every test it runs it performs a SH reset which makes no difference as it repeats the reset prompt every time too? 

      Again I hate to repeat myself lol but you can't say my SH4 is normal having both it's modes ip's active at the same time in either mode can you?  As I say it has to be a fault or a firmware bug for this scenario to be happening as I say normal working in theory should be one ip for each mode router or modem mode. 

      Do get what you mentioned regarding Ips though as that's how I resolved the issue originally adding an exception for the wan to SH4 by adding both ips and macs to get around the IPS feature that normally ip to mac pairs devices which is basically suspicious arp behaviour or ip to mac pairing conflict, normally I use the IPS feature which prevents ip to mac pairing miss matches on the same nic ports. 

      Thanks for the feedback it's appreciated but I've now had to directly contact VM tech support. 



      • legacy1's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        bodgeup wrote:

        Again I hate to repeat myself lol but you can't say my SH4 is normal having both it's modes ip's active at the same time in either mode can you? 

        Yes it not a problem do you get a IP on device/your router in modem mode or do you get a WAN IP or a temp on boot up only ?

        if 192.168100.1 was not a thing and in modem mode you can get a WAN IP and ONLY log in the hub by would you even of cared? its just a ANOTHER IP to log in the hub thats all