Red flashing light on Hub
Friday: Our electricity cut out on Friday due to the storms, which coincided with me receiving a text from VM saying there was a service outage in our area, which was also fixed on Friday. I had Internet access again Friday night. I can't verify if we had any Internet access issues as we had no electricity.
Saturday: Saturday morning, I also had access, but at 7am Saturday morning, we lost Internet access again and the hub light started flashing red. I got a text to say there was a service outage in our area again. I then got a text at 5pm to say it has been fixed, but we never got Internet access again. At 6pm I used the service status checker and it said there was issues in the area that would be fixed by 4pm on Sunday. At 9pm on Saturday I checked again to see if there was any changes/updates and the service status checker now says there is an issue with my hub not being connected properly? Bear in mind I have not touched my hub at all until this point and everything is connected fine. I reset the hub anyway in hope, but the red flashing light returned.
Sunday: 3am Sunday morning and I still have the red flashing light with the service status checker stating that my hub isn't connected properly.
I now have a tech appointment booked for Wednesday, but I run my business from home and simply cannot operate without Internet access for another 2 to 3 working days.
Can someone please advise if there is anything I can do to help get back online.