Ordering more than 1 wifi pod help please
Hi can someone help me please. I have been on Sky broadband for years and as I have a longer and oddly shaped J property Sky provided me with 2 Sky boosters along side my 4 Sky mini boxes (which also act as boosters) so I can get coverage in my home everywhere. I gigned up for the Volt Gig1 package as I was advised it comes with Wifi Max and up to 3 boosters which is great!! Upon having my internet installed yesterday I spent ages connecting everything back up and naming them in the VM connect app etc to make sure I'd done eveything correctly before getting on to the Homescan with the VM connect app. In the middle of my house everything connected correctly and super super fast, but in the deadzones in my home with limited to no wifi signal at either end of my property (if you imagine a J but with a horizontal line at the top) either end of the horizontal line line at the top of the J and at the tip of the bottom of the J got either 4mb-15mb connection if nothing at all. I was advised the app would then link to ordering wifi pods but it did not. I called the support centre as the app advised and after a detailed conversation and trying to explain there is no problem with my connection repeatly but I need 3 wifi pods to get my home wifi setup (I said I would be happy with 2 to start with and test) as the deadzones are at either end of my property opposides to my Hub 5x. They argeed to send 1 out and Id have to wait for an email to confirm it and it could take 2 weeks and then I have to ring back 7 days after that ones set up to request another one for the other end of my property?! By what others have said I'm not even sure theyve put an order in for that one and its a very long winded way to get wifi across my house, why the engineers didnt have them as he saw my house when he installed it and ishowed him my existing setup. Please help as I have 1 kids bedroom, a snug and my office with no wifi and 3 wifi pods are the answer im stuggling to get, thanks Peter