Forum Discussion

AnotherUser's avatar
On our wavelength
8 months ago

Netgear Powerline PL1000 Alarm?


We have two Netgear Powerline plugs set up to allow us to watch programmes recorded on the Tivo box to be viewed via the V6 box, and vice versa. So far, no problems...

However, recently we have been plagued by some kind of alarm which so far we have been unable to trace. The alarm itself is a two-note affair, with the first a longer, lower pitched beep, followed by a shorter, higher pitched beep. The alarm doesn't sound continuously, and can occur at any time of the day.

Through a continuing process of elimination, we have been able to determine what isn't causing the sound, but as of yet we haven't tracked down what is.

Which brings me back to the Netgear gear could these be causing the noise? I noticed today that one or the plugs showed all three lights green, but the other just showed a red light. Is this significant?

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    VM no longer supply or support these old powerline adapters.  They now use the newer Wifi Pods.

    If you wait here a day or two a VM Mod should pick this up and discuss directly with you. - Wifi Pod information



    • AnotherUser's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks for the reply.

      Incidentally, I've solved the problem with the alarm - nothing to do with the Netgear gear of V6 / Tivo boxes at all!

      • Carley_S's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi AnotherUser 

        Welcome back to the community forums 

        Glad to hear that you've been able to find the source of the mysterious alarm and solved it.

        Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :).