Netgear Powerline PL1000 Alarm?
We have two Netgear Powerline plugs set up to allow us to watch programmes recorded on the Tivo box to be viewed via the V6 box, and vice versa. So far, no problems...
However, recently we have been plagued by some kind of alarm which so far we have been unable to trace. The alarm itself is a two-note affair, with the first a longer, lower pitched beep, followed by a shorter, higher pitched beep. The alarm doesn't sound continuously, and can occur at any time of the day.
Through a continuing process of elimination, we have been able to determine what isn't causing the sound, but as of yet we haven't tracked down what is.
Which brings me back to the Netgear gear could these be causing the noise? I noticed today that one or the plugs showed all three lights green, but the other just showed a red light. Is this significant?