My cable was cut by avonline network
Hi my cable was cut today by avonline network engineers trying to connect another property..they had problems pulling the cable through so cut what they thought was right cable but cut mine instead..had I not been home I would not have known but I noticed my media and broadband had gone off so spoke to them..they said the cable they were pulling is from a different property so cut the cable which was actually mine..they reckon the two cables are co nected via a splitter along the underground ducting somewhere which they tell me should not happen...they connected my wire and I now have my media up and running albeit with a cable connected after being cut and a splitter also along the cable route.. I asked virgin on the phone to please send an engineer out as I now obviously need a new cable pulled through but they want to charge me for his service..wth this can't be right..I'm so annoyed as this is not my doing and my cable needs changing.