Hub 5x and account issues
Hi, hopefully I've posted this in the right place but I'm having some odd issues at the moment.
A few hours ago my wifi dropped out so I thought okay, fine I'll reboot and go from there but ever since then I've getting a blue fast blinking light on the hub and no connection. No amount of reboots had resolved anything and running the diagnostics test didn't flash up any errors so I had left it to do its thing in case it resolved itself.
I revisit it around 10 minutes ago and I wasn't able to run the diagnostics test at all and when trying to use the Virgin Media app, I couldn't view billing information and all of the icons (Broadband, TV, Phone etc.) just show as error.
The message I'm getting on the diagnostics test says 'Sorry, we can't run a test on your services right now'. It won't even allow me to get to the stage of booking a technician to take a look.
Any ideas? I have no idea what to do!