Forum Discussion

colinwebb's avatar
Joining in
10 months ago

Hub 5

I have had the Virgin hub4 for some time but even with the WiFi pods WiFi is  not always reliable and get buffering sometimes when streaming Netflix and Amazon Prime. I am on gig1 and have just renewed my contract and wonder if hub 5 would improve this. 

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM have fixed the problems your having by using the hub in modem mode and you getting 1 in many hundreds of 3rd party routers you can buy just make sure it has 1Gb ports   

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Some have reported that Hub5 is better, some not so much. If you want to be certain of solid WiFi, throw the pods away and buy your own router or mesh. 


  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The classic mistake with VM Pods or any kind of Wi-Fi repeater is to
    install it where there is very poor or no signal from the VM Hub.
    E.g. next to the TV or Computer.

    VM Pods repeat the signal from the VM Hub, so they must be placed
    where there is a decent signal from the Hub to be effective.

  • Hi colinwebb 

    Welcome back to the community forums. 

    Sorry to hear of your WiFi concerns. 

    I have double checked the account and cannot see any issues at my side. Does the connect app show that your WiFi pods could be better positioned when you run the checks at your side at all? 

    Make sure you have them in main sockets, out in the open, well ventilated and not in extension or next to anything that my interfere with the signal.