Forum Discussion

trekkiebob's avatar
On our wavelength
3 years ago

HUB 5 keeps dropping internet for a few seconds


I have used the Hub 2 in Modem only mode for years and it was rock solid and never gave an issue.

I had an email late in 2022 to upgrade from the hub 2 to the new Hub 5. What a mistake. It just keeps dropping the internet for a few seconds at a time on wi-fi and a wired. Especially noticeable when streaming radio.

So far I have had engineers out twice and both times they said there was an issue and did something.  However it just returns to the issue.  I have tried the Hub 5 in router mode and it still does this. 

I was left with the Hub 2. Can I go back to the Hub 2 and use that in Modem only mode again or will this no longer work or cause issues with my account?

I originally signed up for 200 meg BB which recently had a free increase.  This is plenty fast enough for me and I doubt I use that to its fullest. I have no need for 1GB speeds.  As such will the Hub 2 be ok to go back to in Modem only mode. It is head and shoulders above the hub 5.

  • jbrennand's avatar
    Very Insightful Person
    Technically yes... you ca get the Hub2 reactivated onto you account but you will have to cancel the 1GB upgrade and go back to the 250 package.

    How easy it will be to convince them to do that is anyone's guess. Depends how long since the upgrade as to whether you can do that penalty free.

    But if the Hub5 is dropping when in modem mode (is that correct?) there may be either a known fault or a problem on your connection.

    Check for any “known network faults first - Try in 2 places and report back

    1) Try the “check service,”Area status webpage" (link at top right of this forum)

    2) Then also try the “free & automated” Service Status number - 0800 561 0061 - which usually gives the most up to date info. and tells you of more local issues down to street cab/ postcode level.
    • trekkiebob's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thank you for the reply.

      I have not had a 1GB upgrade.  I was just adding that in so to say I would not need it, should it make a difference to using the hub 2 again. I notice a lot of people mention the hub 2 can not cope with speeds over a certain amount. I am on whatever 200 meg was recently upgraded to as the free upgrade.  I think it was something like 230 meg speed or similar, maybe 250 meg.

      Thank you for your feedback.  I shall look into connecting the Hub 2 again.  I never had issues with that.  One engineer did say the Hub 5 is not as good in Modem mode and if it carried on I would be better using an older Hub.  The internet connection drops for a second or so a few times a day only happened when I went to the Hub 5,  I have found lots of similar posts from people experiencing the same.  Streaming Tv does not usually stop but does sometimes display a message to say no network.  Radio though seems to stop for a second or two.  

      Again thank you for the feedback.

      • jbrennand's avatar
        Very Insightful Person
        I still use the SH2 in modem mode and it runs 250 Mbps just fine.

        If you didnt upgrade then it should be an easier job, but VM are committed to getting all the old hubs off the network. So might still need some good negotiating and a friendly agent - but worth a try and tell them the Hub5 isnt fit for your purposes and will be returned asap !

        Call the equipment activation number on - 0800 953 9500 (option 3) – you may need the Hub serial numbers/MAC addresses off the barcode stickers and also your account number - although they should still be on your account
  • CrystalGipsy's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I am having exactly the same issues as the OP since getting a Hub5. its just seems to grind to a halt for a while although a speed test shows its fine, it  then returns to normal until next time. Its very intermittent too,  had it occur a number of times yesterday in the afternoon and then several times in the evening but nothing today so far. It makes video streaming stutter and jump and music from my streaming service pauses and stops. 

    • David_Bn's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for your post CrystalGipsy, and I'm sorry to hear of the issues you're experiencing on the Hub 5.

      I've been able to look into the local area and cannot see any issues that may be the cause of the issues you're experiencing,

      Can you please confirm if this is apparent on both Wi-Fi and wired connections?

      Have you perhaps created a broadband quality monitor to track the issue as and when it happens?

      Kindest regards,


    • trekkiebob's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi there,

      Sorry for delay replying.  

      I think the Hub5 is one of the worst Hubs I have had from Virgin.  I only ever use in Modem mode and this just causes issues where the Hub2 I had before was rock solid. I am currently on my second Hub5, the first one was pants and was replaced and for a while this one was better.  Even though I have less issues than before I still have to reboot at least once a month.  Never had to with a Hub2.  If I could turn back the clock I would never have swapped to the Hub5. For so many though Virgin have us as they are the only ones offering a fast speed.  Where I live Openreach alternatives only offer my road 38meg at most.  I get faster on my 4g mobile network!  as such Virgin offer the faster speeds.  Unfortunately they do not offer reliable hardware anymore. Years ago companies would supply details and you could use your own equipment and use these details.  I do wish that would happen again.

      I do hope VM assist you and get you working.  I will suffer with regular restarts and hope by the time my contract is up for renewal they either have reliable equipment or someone offers a 5G mobile broadband at a good cost I can switch to.

      I would tell anyone not yet on a Hub 5 not to upgrade. I find Music streaming even Radio where I spot when it drops and needs a reboot.  TV like Netflix seems to buffer more and just play for me. 

      Good luck with your contact with VM.

      • David_Bn's avatar
        Forum Team

        Good Afternoon trekkiebob, thanks for coming back to us with an update.

        Can you please confirm if you've attempted to run the hub in router mode, or used an alternative router to the one you're using in modem mode?

        Kindest regards,


  • Ghastous's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Sorry for the necro again but seems this is a bigger issue then VM think it is.

    Ive been having them exact same issues now for over 3 weeks  since upgrading to 1GB.  Ive had 3 technictions out 2 of them never got anything fixed and the 3rd changed a few things and gave me a new Hub 5.  Sorry to say this still asnt been fixed and all i get from VM is everything its in tip top shape but it isnt as these forums are littered with the same post of the Hub 5 losing connection for a few seconds.  I race online and game online and this is stopping me doing this but ofc VMs awsome forum ppl sent me pvt messages saying VM dont care about ping and gaming.  So what is the point of 1gb then.  Hub 5 is garbage but i heard the Hub 4 works way better.  VM you need to fix ur equipment and stop blaming us

    We should be allowed to use our own modem and routers we are paying to have internet not paying you to watch us.

  • I was having issues when VM installed the Hub 5. Exactly the same issue - random drop outs. The engineer that fitted it said that a previous customer was having these issues when they connected another device through ethernet cable. "That means it was the customer's device causing the error, not the Hub" - he tested the connection to the V6 TV box, but didn't connect any other cables & he left. As soon as I connected the cables, the random drop-outs started. I went through testing using other cabled devices & other cables. The only common factor is the Hub.
    I've switched the VM Hub 5 into Router mode, bought a WiFi mesh system - all works now. 

    Oh yeah, I mentioned this issue to the VM tech support - the agent said that he'd never heard of this issue....