Hub 5 - connection problems - load of rubbish
I received a hub 5 a couple of months ago. I set the SSID and passwords on 2.4ghz and 5ghz to the same as my old Hub 3. I expected everything to connect straight away. NOTHING would connect. Reset the Hub5 and tried again. Nothing. So I changed the SSID and pws to something new and started reconnecting1 by 1. First the 7 Echo dots. All ok. Now I have around 35 plugs and switches. I was halfway though connecting then when EVERYTHING went offline. Turned the Hub off and back on. Nothing. Reset the Hub and started again. Same thing happened. Reset again and started connecting the plugs and switches first. 7 Plugs and switches will not connect. OK pass on that for now. Connected all of the Echo Dots. Everything ok for 3 days and then everything goes off line again. Rebooted the router and everything slowly started coming back on line.
My problem is that I still have 5 plugs (mainly Teckin, one Linganzh, two wall switches, an Inkbird heater controller) that still will not connect and my laptop which does not even see the SSID put out by the Hub 5. I con only connect my laptop the the SSID put out by the Powerline wifi extender.
Hub 5 in Router mode is an utter disaster zone if the default SSID are changed and / or there are many clients.
Expect the Wi-Fi and DHCP server of the Hub 5 to fail.
With so many client devices the Hub 5 in Modem mode + a 3rd Party Wi-Fi Router or Mesh needs to be considered.